Content Planning – How to Plan A Website Design?
How to plan your website design/ How to plan your website flow?
In this blog we are going to discuss about how to plan your website design and specifically about website flow.
Now what is site-flow and why is it so important? and why do so many people ignore it?
Site-flow is so important because we are thinking about how people are actually using your website.
We see so many business owners are more interested and get caught up in the design, in the look, in the feel, that they forget the actual usability of a site and on the other side visitors who come to the website are getting so flustered; because they’re like, not even able to find our what they are looking for like a button to contact or an inquiry form; Yes, the website is looking awesome, colorful and it’s beautiful; but when customers can’t use it then its like not serving the purpose. So, for us (website designer), the people who are creating the websites, it’s their responsibility to make some amazing websites that people can actually use.
We would like to List out few points, which you can make before contacting the Web Design Company with what you want.
So we want you to actually take out a piece of paper and you are gonna sketch through the flow of your site. And in order to do that, really properly, we need to think about some objectives and this kind of just goes two ways!
How are you (BUSINESS/ WEBSITE OWNER) gonna get people to whatever your conversion goals are? Sign up for your list, hire you, buy something from you, whatever your goals are. BUT your’re also wanting to think about their (END USER/ WEBSITE VISITOR) and what their goals are and why they’re even on your site? and what do they need to know in order to hire you?
Never start with design, but to Start with your site objectives in mind, So we want you to actually write those out, write out what your objectives are. When they first get to your site, what do you want them to go through, what do you want them to know, what do you want them to see, feel, know, like, all those things, what do you want?
We want you to write out their (CUSTOMERS) objectives in mind and what they want? What are they looking for? What are they looking to find? What are they looking to have answered? Just think through all of those things, why are they on your site? What do they need to hear from you? And those are gonna be their objectives.
So, for example, If you are a photographer, your objectives is to show off your work, show off your style & personality, show what you can do and have them obviously, BOOK you.
What their objectives are, they’re looking for someone, does this person have the style that I like, creative, what is their pricing, are they within my price range, is it gonna be easy to start this relationship.
We want you to think about is, about their obstacles and what things they have to overcome in order to get that result.
So your objective of them contacting you or their objective of them feeling comfortable enough to contact you. So think about that know, like, and trust factor that they need from you.
So some question you can ask, what needs to they have? What doubt or obstacles do they have to overcome? And most importantly, what info do they absolutely need in order to move forward and take action?
How do we get clear on what action we want them to take? So many people do this and so many people get frustrated by this is that what is the next step? What do I need to do, So every single page, you have to have a purpose for. Where do you want them to go next? So when you’re mapping out these pages, you wanna remove all distractions and kind of think, does everything on this page serve the purpose to get them from A to B.
Whatever those objectives are. Does everything on here have to be here? Because if there’s anything in here that is too distracting,
i.e. social media, that are gonna send’em somewhere else, take’em out. If they are moving from what you want them to do, guess what? Most times they will do the other thing. So if you really want them to contact you, make sure that there’s a really clear call to action and make it easy. BUT make sure there is a standardization, what we meant is “Don’t make the button not look like a Button“, Be thinking about am I stopping them from what I really want them to do? So be clear and tell them what steps to take next.
Now go on to see how a website should look as per the suggestion share above by clicking @ Zauca